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The Compact - Hall of Fame
Updated 9-Jul-18
Drell Historical Archive
Completionist Leaderboard
Kajhe's Finest
Completed all missions on the Insanity difficulty.
06:51:19 - The_Doctor46N7
06:58:34 - ex-Clusum
08:49:49 - AW_FC_1986
Lone Drell
Completed all Solo Missions
03:29:38 - The_Doctor46N7
03:41:01 - ex-Clusum
05:04:44 - AW_FC_1986
01:58:56 - TheNightSlasher
02:03:29 - N7-Gerbil
02:15:31 - ex-Clusum
02:22:53 - Max Dmian
02:29:57 - kalas747
02:46:46 - Alfonsedode
02:54:32 - ClydeInTheShell
03:06:47 - AW_FC_1986
03:16:54 - Kocka007
03:25:53 - SlimJim0725
Tactical Warfare Expert
Completed all Duo Missions.
Insanity (Individual)
01:20:02 - ex-Clusum
01:20:02 - TheTechnoTurian
01:24:25 - The_Doctor46N7
01:33:06 - TheNightSlasher
01:36:56 - x3lander
01:38:15 - Pfefferi
01:40:41 - frank_is_crank
01:43:45 - AW_FC_1986
01:47:28 - Bateman1980
01:50:02 - Alfonsedode
01:56:59 - DocSteely
01:59:04 - Smehur
Insanity (Team)
01:20:02 - ex-Clusum | TheTechnoTurian
01:24:25 - ex-Clusum | The_Doctor46N7
01:35:27 - ex-Clusum | TheNightSlasher
01:36:56 - ex-Clusum | x3lander
01:38:15 - ex-Clusum | Pfefferi
01:43:19 - ex-Clusum | frank_is_crank
01:43:45 - AW_FC_1986 | ex-Clusum
01:47:28 - Bateman1980 | ex-Clusum
01:50:02 - Alfonsedode | ex-Clusum
01:56:59 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7
01:59:04 - ex-Clusum | Smehur
01:59:22 - The_Doctor46N7 | x3lander
Hardcore (Individual)
01:00:40 - ex-Clusum
01:00:40 - TheTechnoTurian
01:08:42 - Juh0M
01:08:42 - XAN1_95
01:08:57 - TheNightSlasher
01:11:59 - N7-Gerbil
01:18:18 - Max Dmian
01:18:51 - ComradeShepard7
01:19:00 - AW_FC_1986
01:23:30 - DocSteely
01:23:30 - The_Doctor46N7
01:26:26 - frank_is_crank
01:26:26 - Sonashii
01:28:36 - kalas747
01:29:08 - N7 Spectre MD
01:34:54 - Kocka007
01:38:41 - HamleticTortoise
01:40:03 - SlimJim0725
01:43:25 - Emexxia
Hardcore (Team)
01:00:40 - ex-Clusum | TheTechnoTurian
01:08:42 - Juh0M | XAN1_95
01:18:51 - ComradeShepard7 | TheTechnoTurian
01:19:10 - AW_FC_1986 | ex-Clusum
01:23:30 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7
01:26:26 - frank_is_crank | Sonashii
01:28:36 - kalas747 | Max Dmian
01:29:19 - AW_FC_1986 | TheNightSlasher
01:43:25 - Emexxia | HamleticTortoise
01:43:50 - Kocka007 | SlimJim0725
Alliance Operative
Completed all Trio Missions.
Insanity (Individual)
01:49:23 - TheNightSlasher
01:57:16 - The_Doctor46N7
01:57:31 - ex-Clusum
02:01:20 - AW_FC_1986
02:08:12 - kalas747
02:08:12 - Max Dmian
02:08:12 - Zyzimorph
02:10:48 - DocSteely
02:10:48 - Sonashii
02:15:06 - Kocka007
02:16:43 - SlimJim0725
02:23:39 - N7SpectreMD
Insanity (Team)
02:08:12 - kalas747 | Max Dmian | Zyzimorph
02:10:48 - DocSteely | Sonashii | The_Doctor46N7
Hardcore (Individual)
01:49:23 - TheNightSlasher
01:57:16 - The_Doctor46N7
01:57:31 - ex-Clusum
02:01:20 - AW_FC_1986
02:08:12 - kalas747
02:08:12 - Max Dmian
02:08:12 - Zyzimorph
02:10:48 - DocSteely
02:10:48 - Sonashii
02:15:06 - Kocka007
02:16:43 - SlimJim0725
02:23:39 - N7SpectreMD
Hardcore (Team)
** Pending **
Mission I - Amonkira, Lord of Hunters [Trios]
1. Lost World, Rakhana
21:11 - TheNightSlasher | Alquinn | TheTechnoTurian | PC
21:29 - Bateman1980 | TheTechnoTurian | ex-Clusum l PC
21:52 - TheNightSlasher | Smehur | ex-Clusum l PC
24:43 - ex-Clusum | TheNightSlasher | RealKobeBean | PC
27:10 - TheNightSlasher l AW_FC_1986 l Zachoida l PC
27:18 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7 | Sonashii
27:24 - Max Dmian l Zizymorph l Kalas747 l xbox
28:57 - Miranda_LawsoN7 [v] | x3lander | Smehur
29:32 - SlimJim0725 [v] l Argent Xero l N7 Spectre MD l xbox
29:58 - ManBearPig654 l rcolol l Kocka007 l xbox
33:39 - Kocka007 l SlimJim0725 l lxMerc 04 l xbox
2. Normandy's Finest
24:03 - TheNightSlasher ⊕ | ex-Clusum ⊕ [v] | MMLosingYouToYou | PC
24:49 - TheNightSlasher ⊕ | ex-Clusum ⊕ | AW_FC_1986 ⊕ | PC
25:49 - x3lander | AW_FC_1986 | Miranda_LawsoN7 l PC
27:41 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7 | Sonashii
28:13 - Max Dmian l Zyzimorph l Kalas747 l xbox
28:31 - lxMerc04 l Kocka007 l SlimJim0725 [v] l xbox
31:01 - N7 Spectre MD l Kocka007 l SlimJim0725 l xbox
37:13 - N7 Spectre MD l SlimJim0725 [v] l Argent Xero l xbox
37:25 - MMLosingYouToYou l MM-Ryoku l Sanbakko1984 l PC
3. Omega's Toughest
25:30 - x3lander | Miranda_LawsoN7 | TheNightSlasher [v]
30:42 - ex-Clusum | TheNightSlasher | AW_FC_1986 | PC
31:34 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7 | Sonashii
31:50 - TheNightSlasher | ex-Clusum [v] | MMLosingYouToYou l PC
33:04 - Zyzimorph l Max Dmian l Kalas747 l xbox
33:38 - SlimJim0725 [v] l IxMerc 04 l Kocka007 l xbox
38:04 - SlimJim0725 [v] l N7 Spectre MD l Argent Xero l xbox
4. Kahje-Born
20:02 - Max Dmian l Kalas747 l Zyzimorph l xbox
20:26 - AW_FC_1986 | TheNightSlasher | Miranda_LawsoN7 l PC
21:04 - Max Dmian l Kocka007 l ManBearPig654 l xbox
21:25 - TheTechnoTurian | Alquinn | TheNightSlasher | PC
22:12 - ZeroFu_ks l TheNightSlasher l AW_FC_1986 l PC
23:07 - SlimJim0725 [v] l N7 Spectre MD l Argent Xero l xbox
23:39 - Kocka007 l lxMerc 04 l SlimJim0725 l xbox
24:46 - TheNightSlasher | AW_FC_1986 | Zachoida | PC
25:24 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7 | Sonashii
30:45 - LosingYouToYou l driedohjingoh l nOeXTRACTION [v] l PC
5. IFF (Identify Friend/Foe)
18:13 - AW_FC_1986 | TheNightSlasher | Miranda_LawsoN7 [v]
18:51 - DocSteely | The_Doctor46N7 | Sonashii
19:05 - TheNightSlasher | ex-Clusum | AW_FC_1986 | PC
19:29 - Kalas747 l Max Dmian l Zyzimorph l xbox
21:55 - N7 Spectre MD l SlimJim0725 l Kocka007 l xbox
23:30 - MM-nOeXTRACTION [v] l MMLosingYouToYou l MM-AsariGod l PC
23:37 - clydeintheshell I RBhershey98 I darlingdoor I ps3[v]
24:12 - lxMerc 04 l SlimJim0725 l Kocka007 l xbox
Mission II - Arashu, Goddess of Protection [Duos]
1. Tu-Fira
Runs archived in the Themed Duo Challenges1 Hall of Fame
2. Soul Name
Runs archived in the Themed Duo Challenges1 Hall of Fame
3. Lord Venom Returneth
Runs archived in the Themed Duo Challenges1 Hall of Fame
4. Huerta's Archangels
Runs archived in the Themed Duo Challenges1 Hall of Fame
Mission III - Kalahira, Goddess of Afterlife [Solos]
1. Sochi
18:44 - TheTechnoTurian (319 727) [v]
18:56 - TheNightSlasher (309 160 pts) [v]
19:30 - N7-Gerbil (347 832 pts)
19:39 - Knockingbr4in (333 958 pts)
19:53 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (333 399 pts) 10WS [v]
20:26 - didacuscarr (344 385 pts)
21:19 - Max Dmian (331 795 pts)
21:28 - Kalas747 (331 858 pts)
22:05 - ex-Clusum (340,554 pts) [v]
25:00 - anterojp (330 947 pts)
25:06 - Kocka007 (319 331 pts)
25:29 - Alfonsedode (328012 pts)
26:35 - me0120 (328 539 pts)
27:58 - HeroicMass (317 771 pts) [v]
31:56 - AW_FC_1986 (331 204 pts)
34:06 - ClydeInTheShell (333 222pts) [v]
35:52 - TheC73M Krauser (287 506 pts)
37:25 - nOeXTRACTION (310 017 pts) [v]
39:15 - FreedomWing91 (310 321 pts)
41:05 - SlimJim0725 (308 632 pts) [v]
34:27 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (416 715 pts)
34:36 - TheNightSlasher (449 248 pts)
41:01 - ex-Clusum (424 003 pts)
53:31 - AW_FC_1986 (409 860 pts)
2. The Pulse of Thessia
23:22 - TheNightSlasher (221 238 pts)
27:31 - N7-Gerbil (215 360) [v]
29:36 - ex-Clusum (242 002 pts) [v]
34:10 - Max Dmian (231 592 pts)
36:50 - anterojp (198664 pts)
37:16 - Kalas747 (229 368 pts)
38:37 - AW_FC_1986 (242 360 pts)
39:33 - ClydeInTheShell (254 992 pts) [v]
41:28 - Alfonsedode (233232 pts)
43:44 - Kocka007 (214 112 pts)
51:43 - SlimJim0725 (238 573 pts) [v]
41:22 - ex-Clusum (347 550 pts)
52:04 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (332 690 pts) [v]
66:28 - AW_FC_1986 (304 428 pts)
3. Widow's Poison
17:10 - TheNightSlasher (318 771 pts)
18:16 - Miranda_LawsoN7(309742pts)
19:29 - JewelsWinnfield (282 801 pts) [v]
19:36 - TheTechnoTurian (301 516 pts)
19:55 - N7-Gerbil (280 912 pts)
19:58 - TheNightSlasher (356 912 pts) [v]
21:46 - ex-Clusum (314 935 pts) [v]
26:27 - Max Dmian (284 311 pts)
27:34 - Alfonsedode (280970 pts)
27:26 - Kalas747 (291 414 pts)
30:24 - Kocka007 (291 571 pts)
31:31 - anterojp (270 463 pts)
31:50 - AW_FC_1986 (281 212 pts)
33:17 - ClydeInTheShell (280 128 pts) [v]
35:56 - SlimJim0725 (283 064 pts) [v]
26:36 - TheNightSlasher (433 465 pts)
27:07 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (354 154 pts)
27:10 - TheTechnoTurian (385 193 pts)
31:59 - ex-Clusum (385 195 pts) [v]
39:59 - AW_FC_1986 (361 532 pts)
50:24 - HardcoreSalmon0 (373 542 pts)
71:00 - Okami_Sanjuro (353619 pts)
4. Rakhana Lost
29:02 - N7-Gerbil (311 053) [v]
30:37 - TheNightSlasher (310 317 pts) [v]
31:10 - Max Dmian (297 896 pts)
31:38 - ex-Clusum (317 750 pts)
33:56 - Kalas747 (304 157 pts)
35:15 - Alfonsedode (331042 pts)
36:49 - ClydeInTheShell (316 997 pts) [v]
40:53 - SlimJim0725 (316 185 pts) [v]
41:40 - anterojp (315 314 pts)
44:58 - AW_FC_1986 (319 899 pts)
48:29 - Kocka007 (320 374 pts)
41:05 - TheNightSlasher (453 772 pts)
42:21 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (455 920 pts)
45:43 - ex-Clusum (418 017 pts)
60:33 - AW_FC_1986 (420 246 pts)
5. Zero Kelvin
27:31 - N7-Gerbil (248 923) [v]
28:51 - TheNightSlasher (253 232 pts) [v]
29:47 - Max Dmian (249 282 pts)
29:51 - Kalas747 (259 192 pts)
30:26 - ex-Clusum (242,209 pts)
30:47 - ClydeInTheShell (253 436 pts) [v]
36:16 - SlimJim0725 (258 912 pts)
37:00 - Alfonsedode (280970 pts)
39:26 - AW_FC_1986 (256 432 pts)
49:11 - Kocka007 (248 512 pts)
53:39 - Miranda_LawsoN7 (327 520 pts) [v]
60:56 - ex-Clusum (329 504 pts) [v]